Monday, August 27, 2012


Whew!! So sorry I've been out of commission the past week (or two:)). Going back to school has really kicked my rear, and I've discovered that switching grade levels is not for the weak! I'm barely able to keep my eyes open long enough at night to spend time with my family, so I'm sad to say blogging ended up on the bottom of my "to-do" list. Did I mention the laminator, copier, and color printer were not working on our teacher workdays last week? It was not fun! Besides all of that, I had a great first day back today, and I'm looking forward to an awesome year! I'm hoping to catch my breath in the next few days and show you in more detail what is happening in my classroom! For now, I uploaded a few more pictures in my classroom to add to the sneak peek:) 

Here are my kiddo's book boxes! I'm hoping to fill these tomorrow with tons of books! I LOVE to watch my kids browse my classroom library for the first time. It's so much fun to see them get excited about new books for the year! 

These are hand signal signs that I bought from Clutter-Free Classroom. They are soooo cute and look great against the black in my room! I had used hand signals before, but I LOVE these posters! It will be a great reference for my kids:) 

So this summer I showed you my job chart I was working on, but decided to scratch that chart at the last minute. I broke it up into two charts that fit nicely on my cabinets! As I said earlier, the laminator is broken at my school, so I haven't been able to do that yet. I'm just taking a risk with it since the chart is pretty high up, and the kids shouldn't be touching it. 

I've also been so busy, I haven't had time to post a new item in my store! I took my reading genre posters and made a horizontal set. I needed them this way so they will fit on cabinets in my room. I don't think they require TOO much of an explanation, but here are some pictures:

All the posters come with this blue background, but I also included some with a white background to fit any color scheme!

Here is the page with all the genres squeezed in. This is great for reading notebooks.
There is also a card-size set of each genre.

If you are interested in purchasing this, you can get it at my TpT store here.

I hope to see you all very soon! 


  1. I am in a new position also, and you absolutely right- it is not for the weak. lol

    Part of my new job is training the teachers in Balanced Literacy. So I wanted to know what you put into your book boxes. I am working with one of my schools with this and would love to have more ideas. Would you mind sharing?


  2. Hi Antoinette! The kiddos keep their books and reading workshop binders in the boxes. They also keep a separate pencil in there (usually a special colored one they can only use when doing reading workshop). I'll post later about what their binders look like. I also have all my classroom books leveled, so they only keep books on their independent reading level in their box:) I hope that helps you!

  3. Thank you so much! It is very helpful. Have you done any posts on your reading workshop binders? That's another area I am researching.

    Antoinette :)

  4. I haven't yet, but I will! I promise:) I'm putting them together next week for my kids, so I hope to take some good pictures and post about them!

  5. Thank you! You're awesome! :)

