Saturday, March 10, 2012

Book Box Labels

I'll admit that I have a slight problem when it comes to buying books for my classroom library! I'm obsessed! Where I teach, the kids don't have many books at home, so I do everything I can to provide a wide selection. I'm pretty sure I have over 1,000 books in my library!! I separate the books by genre into baskets for chapter books, and boxes for picture books. All of my labels were a mixture of Beth Newingham's labels and ones I created myself. Well, my OCD self just couldn't handle it anymore, and I decided to create labels that would match! I used the same font and similar graphics for all of the labels:) I also decided to create two different sizes. I use magazine boxes for my picture books, and the labels were just too I made smaller ones.

Smaller ones for magazine boxes

Regular size ones for baskets (I realize the basket says "picture books" when it should say "chapter books." My kiddos accidentally switched them out, and of course I didn't notice until I uploaded this picture! 

You can find my whole set of book box labels here in my TpT store!

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