Friday, March 16, 2012

I Promise I'm a Reading Teacher...

...BUT I have a really hard time reading books to make myself a better teacher!  I LOVE children's books and the lessons they teach. I love reading for fun, and I even enjoy nonfiction/informational books and articles.  However, when it comes to reading a huge book for my profession, I look at it like it has 3 legs!
   I've been on spring break this past week, and I promised myself I would read a book that I've had for a while. I definitely don't think I have it all figured out, and I've heard so many wonderful things about this book. I know it will be good for me...I just haven't had the motivation!

   Enter Target. If I'm going to read a book like this, I'm going to do it in a way that will be beneficial to me! I HAVE to find a way to organize my thoughts, and I want to be able to locate "good" things I find very quickly.

So I had to buy this:

and this..
 and these to jot down notes!

It's really sad that I'm actually a teeny bit happy to read now that I have these "tools." Ha! Anyways...I will try to post my experiences as I read, and any new ideas that stem from it!


  1. I read parts of this book in grad schoo. We jumped around and it still made sense!

  2. Hi Katy - I just found you and am your newest follower. I recognized your cute blog design...they designed mine too - I love Dreamlike Magic. So happy I found you. :o)
    Traditions Laughter and Happily Ever After

  3. I just read "Mosaic of Thought" and now I am ready to tackle "Strategies That Work" is sitting on my table...maybe I should go to Target and stock up first. :)

  4. Love that book. Mosaic of Thought is another great one. Also--Comprehension Connections!

    I am your newest follower!

    Lifelong Learning
