Monday, April 30, 2012


STATE TESTING IS OVER! Wow, what a week! All the planning, prepping, and hard work from the entire year boiled down to just a few hours on Tuesday and Wednesday. I'm so glad they are over and my kids and I can just relax and have FUN the rest of the school year.  Also, did I mention I had the "genius" idea to have my sons' joint birthday party the weekend after our state tests?! What was wrong with me??!! We had a great party, and I can't believe my sweet boys are getting so big:) Anyways, I've actually had some time to myself tonight, so I uploaded some new items to my TpT store! I'm hoping to get some more pictures of my classroom this week. I'm trying to find a good book study to finish out the year with my kids. Anyone have any good ideas, or a book that you love? I'll take any suggestions at this point, because I'm stumped!

For my TpT store, I uploaded 10 genre posters to use in the classroom! I normally have them posted in my room, and the kids keep a copy in their Reading Workshop binders for reference. You can check these out here.

I also had time to put my Outer Planets packet in my store! I already have the Inner Planets there, so now it is a complete set! These are short passages about each planet followed by a few questions. You can check this packet out here.

I hope everyone else survived testing, and that I can relax and hop back into "blog world!" I've missed it!

1 comment:

  1. Your planets packet looks great! I just found your cute blog through HBBD, they designed my blog too! I'm your newest follower!

    Science for Kids Blog
